Review - Apothecary Extracts 100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil


I love the ability to transform what I believe a product is for and find other ways to use it. One of those ways is on Pinterest right? So I am searching on Pinterest for ideas on how to use Apothecary Extracts 100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil. So I sat along side my Free eBook I was given as part of the Apothecary Extracts 100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil purchase and my Pinterest. I thought how fun. Let me see all the ways I can use this product and take my review one step further. Right?

Well I think I was taken a back as to all the amazing ways to use this truly versatile essential natural oil. For example a astringent for acne, dandruff, and even as a bathroom cleaner. Yes. I too had that reaction. We are talking toe fungus, lice, skin tags, warts, dandruff, yeast infection. I personally tried it on my acne and the next day the blemish was no longer red, inflamed or large. It was healed and not as menacing. I also tried it on my hair. My hair felt so clean, refreshed and free to product build up. It was simply healthy looking and clean. I even used it for my shower to disinfect it. Yes, I went from a beauty regiment to cleaning with the same product. Amazing right?

Remember its back to school time also. Just a couple drops in your shampoo can help the kids go back to school with no worry of head lice.
 I could go on and on. There are truly so many ways to use this product and I believe I only touched the surface. Through my experience with the ones I was able to try I recommend this product highly.  No more harmful cleansers, no more skin ailments. Truly amazing undiluted, pure, natural, and truly versatile product. You will get so many uses out of it and not to mention the FREE 100 page eBook that comes with purchase will give you a amazing start.  Get yours on Amazon. CLICK HERE.  Until next time.... remember to shop smart. Check out eBates before shopping your favorite stores.  Kindly, Gretchen  
Free eBook with purchase on Amazon
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
