2nd Review Attempt TheParadise

I recently reviewed Paradise Pure Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil by Thera Vita on August 18, 2014. You can find that review here: http://www.ritogifts.biz/2014/08/review-paradise-pure-organic-extra.html If you have read that review you know it did not go well but in my need to determine if the product was defective I needed to make sure and try it again. I have since received my second bottle to ensure I gave this review the best educated decision I could.

So I sat back, took time to think, to review, and to find my best truth with education and kindness.

Please understand I have never had to give a negative review. I have always been fortunate through education, and work to partner and shop with great companies. Today I know I just simply cant with a fullness of heart recommend this product.

I simply stand with my original review. I just find the product to have a unappealing smell, and it can have a unneeded aftertaste.

This is my experience with it but I am sure you may have a different experience.

Until next time... shop smart...shop eBates before shopping your favorite stores.

Love, Gretchen

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
